We're baaack! It's been a long year and teachers have felt it just as much as you the students have. In my case, the fatigue has contributed to loss of memory as well as the few black hairs I still have in my head. Sorry for the confusion about which web blog to go to for your assignments, but I think we're going to be here at Abdulkarim's World for the rest of the year, although I will post everything here over at Speaking English with Abdul Karim as well.
Here's the next part of your project assignment. You will find attached here five job advertisements. On each of them you have to find the job title, job responsibility, job requirements and job location and send that to me as a Word attachment. That's it! In some cases some of the information I'm looking for is not provided and you should state that it is not available. I will send you via email a chart that you should use to input the information from the advertisements to send to me. This part of the project must be turned in by the end of the fourth period on Tuesday. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.